Welcome to SOUNDS LIKE MUSIC the internet home for music of the UK urban club generation 1990-2010.
[Chill Out Zone] [Letters] [Photo Gallery] [Drug Information] [Job Oppurtunities]
We're cramming in loads of special features on this website to keep you coming back week after week for your lyrical and rhythmical pleasure as well as finding the best places to go out plus what the DJ's and MC's are up to. Some of the pages are still under construction but if you browse the site you'll find information on what events are coming up, be able to register for the guest list at participating events and reserve tickets for your favourite raves. The site is constantly being updated as the designers are waiting for content in order to populate the pages. If you would like to advertise your products or listings on this website email us at info@ijukebox.tv or call +44(0)208 241 6851 between 09.00 - 20.00 Mon - Fri and 10.00 - 18.00 Sat/Sun.